Sub post of Deploy Nodejs 12 and Mongodb 4.4 application on a RaspberryPi

Prev: Install Docker and Docker Compose on a RaspberryPi running Ubuntu 20.04

We are going to Dockerise the application and run it in the RaspberryPi using docker compose in this post.

  • Dockerising the application

    Create a Dockerfile from base image arm64v8/node


    FROM arm64v8/node:latest
    RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
    WORKDIR /usr/src/app
    COPY . /usr/src/app
    RUN npm install
    EXPOSE 8080
    CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
  • Docker compose with mongodb

    Create docker-compose.yml file combining the node application and mongodb


      version: "2"
          container_name: <your-container-name>
          restart: always
          build: .
            - "8080:8080" 
            - mongo
            - DB_URL=mongodb://mongo:27017
          container_name: mongo
          image: mongo
            - ./data:/data/db
            - "27017:27017"

    In the above file,

    • We are building the application image from the Dockerfile we created in the first step.
    • Pass any environment variables you want. Example: DB_URL
    • Mounting the volume for mongo container. Host ./data (Change it according to your use case) is mounted to docker’s /data/db
    • Exposing ports 8080 (Change according to your application) for application and 27017 for mongo database.
  • Running the application on RaspberryPi
    • SSH into pi
    • Clone your repository in a directory you want
    • Go to the repository using cd
    • Run docker-compose up -d

      This will build your application docker image and run the app and mongo db containers in detach mode.

  • Why to build the image in Pi and why not on Docker Hub?

    We are using arm64 nodejs image and it cannot be built in docker hub. We will have to use cross-build container to do it. I have choose to build the image in Pi. Hence, did not explore that path.

  • That’s it

    Now, You have your NodeJS and MongoDB application running on a RaspberryPi

Prev: Install Docker and Docker Compose on a RaspberryPi running Ubuntu 20.04